Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Time!

Now that the winter is finally over and the weather is warming up, I can finally go outside and have some fun! Last weekend, the whole family packed up and spent time at UVA and the downtown mall. As you can see below, I had a blast!

Walking the Lawn.

Walking can wear out the doggies... well as little girls!

Time for a rest!

Under the Pavilion... I'm ready for Fridays After 5!

Playing outside is great but I had just as much fun inside!

Climbing furniture.

Running around.

What's on tv?


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Playground Time!

Now that spring is approaching and the weather is getting nice, Mommy and Daddy took me to the playground a couple of times this weekend. I loved sliding down the slide and climbing around the playground. It took me a while to get over the dirt and the mulch, but once I did, I was off and running!

Walking to the playground.

Ready to go down the slide.


Lucky, Mommy was there to catch me!

Safe at the bottom.

Time to do it again!

Now, it's Daddy's turn!


Sunday, February 28, 2010


Elaina Rose (aka Ellie, Ellie Boo, Ellie Bean, Ellie Belly, Ellie Bells, Smelly Ellie, Goobie, Goobie Face, Goobers, Miss Gooberton, Goofball, Big Girl, Piggy, Piggy Face, Love, Lovie, Lovebug, ERL --- did I miss any?)

Weight: 22 lbs, 11 oz
Height: 30 inches
(As of February 16, 2010 - 12 month check-up)

Party Time!

A few days after my birthday, I had my big birthday bash! All my friends and family came to celebrate my first birthday and I had a blast! There were cupcakes, balloons, a ball pit, a bubble blower, and of course, presents! It was a whirlwind of a party but I made it through and then crashed hard.

Getting ready for my big day. Don't you love my party dress?!

Is it time to party yet?

So many toys, so little time!

It's my party and I'll be goofy if I want to!


After-party pictures with Vava and Avo.

Then it was time for bed. What a wonderful birthday!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!!


Today I celebrated my first birthday with Mommy and Daddy! I'm no longer a baby and am now a big girl! My day started off with Mommy and Daddy greeting me at my crib saying "Happy Birthday!"

After my morning nap, I tried out two birthday outfits. Don't you love my dress even though it's a little too big?!

Me and Leroy

"Big Girl!"

After dinner, I received my birthday treat, a cupcake! This was my first taste of cake and it has changed my life! My favorite part was licking off all of the icing.

My big day ended with playing in my piggy pajamas. Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Quick Update

Momma found two new molars popping out of my gums giving me a total of ten teeth in ten months! Pass me the steak!

Me and My Momma

Nobody can get me to laugh like my Momma!


As you may have already heard, I've been working on my walking for weeks now. I first took a few steps on Dec. 7 and now I am exclusively walking. My crawling days are over! Here are some videos showing off my mad parkour skills!

Taking a few steps at a time.

Practicing walking with my exersaucer.


p.s. You're a horrible person if you laughed at this video like my daddy does all the time

Walking full-time!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My first (early) Christmas!

I've been such a good girl all year long that Christmas came early! Avo and Vava came down from Massachusetts to celebrate Christmas early with Daddy, Mommy, and me. It was great to play with Avo and Vava and show them all of my new tricks! On Saturday, I got to open my first Christmas present, a pink Disney riding toy. It took it for a spin and it was a bit overwhelming. I'd be happy to just play with the wrapping paper and ribbon! It was a great weekend and I can't wait to see Avo and Vava again for my birthday!

Playing with Avo and Vava

Opening my first Christmas present

Time with Avo and Vava was the best present of all!